CISREAD VERSION HISTORY ----------------------- Version 0.20b o Messages are now loaded from a C++ routine in CISRDR.DLL resulting in a much faster load time. o Added a custom cursor to the main window for selecting text. o User can press right mouse button in message window to get popup Message menu. o When a reply is saved from the reply window, UserName (from CISREAD.INI) is used to indicate who the message was from. o Save and Reply now use the same directory as pointed to by the MsgLocation variable in CISREAD.INI rather than using the same directory that the current messages were loaded from. o Added automatic signature capability. o Outgoing messages (replies and new messages) can now automatically be saved when the Send button is pushed in the reply window. See CISREAD.INI for details. o Added some very rudimentary print capabilities. Version 0.12b o Original beta release